Data Fields
VulkanFramesPriv Struct Reference

Data Fields

AVVulkanFramesContext p
 The public AVVulkanFramesContext. More...
FFVkExecPool compute_exec
FFVkExecPool upload_exec
FFVkExecPool download_exec
VkImageDrmFormatModifierListCreateInfoEXT * modifier_info

Detailed Description

Definition at line 131 of file hwcontext_vulkan.c.

Field Documentation

◆ p

AVVulkanFramesContext VulkanFramesPriv::p

The public AVVulkanFramesContext.

See hwcontext_vulkan.h for it.

Definition at line 135 of file hwcontext_vulkan.c.

Referenced by vulkan_frames_init(), and vulkan_pool_alloc().

◆ compute_exec

FFVkExecPool VulkanFramesPriv::compute_exec

Definition at line 138 of file hwcontext_vulkan.c.

Referenced by vulkan_frames_init(), vulkan_frames_uninit(), and vulkan_pool_alloc().

◆ upload_exec

FFVkExecPool VulkanFramesPriv::upload_exec

◆ download_exec

FFVkExecPool VulkanFramesPriv::download_exec

◆ modifier_info

VkImageDrmFormatModifierListCreateInfoEXT* VulkanFramesPriv::modifier_info

Definition at line 145 of file hwcontext_vulkan.c.

Referenced by vulkan_frames_uninit().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: