Here is a list of all struct and union fields with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- b -
- b
: AVPrimaryCoefficients
, BiquadContext
, ColorMapContext
, CompandSegment
, DWTCompose
, FFBesselFilter
, FFEBUR128StateInternal
, G726Context
- B
: GuidedContext
, JLSState
- b
: Lab
, MLPSubstream
, MonochromeContext
, Pair
, PlaneContext
, rgb
- B
- b
: RGBFloat
, rgbvec
, ShowVolumeContext
, ThreadData
, VObj
, VP9TileData
, VVCRect
, xmm_reg
, ymm_reg
- b0
: APContext
, ASubBoostContext
, BiquadCoeffs
, Coeffs
, CrossfeedContext
, DBlurContext
, DWTCompose
, FoSection
- b1
: APContext
, ASubBoostContext
, BiquadCoeffs
, Coeffs
, CrossfeedContext
, DBlurContext
, DWTCompose
, FoSection
, mant_groups
- b1_mant
: mant_groups
- b2
: ASubBoostContext
, BiquadCoeffs
, CrossfeedContext
, DWTCompose
, FoSection
, mant_groups
- b2_mant
: mant_groups
- b3
: DWTCompose
, FoSection
- b4
: FoSection
, mant_groups
- b4_mant
: mant_groups
- b8_stride
: ERContext
, MpegEncContext
- b_adapt
: NvencContext
- b_avg
: ThreadData
- b_back_mv_table
: MPVEncContext
- b_base
: VP9TileData
- b_bias
: X264Context
, XavsContext
- b_bidir_back_mv_table
: MPVEncContext
- b_bidir_forw_mv_table
: MPVEncContext
- b_code
: MpegEncContext
, RateControlEntry
- b_count
: MEContext
, MIContext
- b_depth
: FFHWBaseEncodePicture
- b_direct_mv_table
: MPVEncContext
- b_double
: BiquadsContext
- b_field_mv_table
: MPVEncContext
- b_field_select_table
: MPVEncContext
- b_flags
: ASFContext
- b_float
: BiquadsContext
- b_forw_mv_table
: MPVEncContext
- b_frame_delta_qp
: AMFEncoderContext
- b_frame_ref
: AMFEncoderContext
, UnpackBFramesBSFContext
- b_frame_score
: MPVPicture
- b_frame_strategy
: MPVMainEncContext
, X264Context
, XavsContext
- b_height
: MEContext
, MIContext
, SnowContext
- b_mv
: MVInfo
- b_mv_x
: IVIMbInfo
- b_mv_y
: IVIMbInfo
- b_per_i_or_p
: GXFStreamContext
- b_per_p
: FFHWBaseEncodeContext
- b_picture_count
: MXFStreamContext
- b_pyramid
: X264Context
- b_quant_factor
: AVCodecContext
- b_quant_offset
: AVCodecContext
- b_ref_buf
: IVI45DecContext
, IVIBandDesc
- b_ref_mode
: NvencContext
- b_sensitivity
: MPVMainEncContext
- b_str
: AudioIIRContext
- b_strategy
: QSVEncContext
- b_stride
: H264Context
, SVQ3Context
- b_width
: MEContext
, MIContext
, SnowContext
- b_x
: FLVMasteringMeta
, MatroskaMasteringMeta
- b_y
: FLVMasteringMeta
, MatroskaMasteringMeta
- ba
: ColorChannelMixerContext
- back
: ChannelContext
, FloodfillContext
- back_alpha
: MovTextDefault
- back_color
: ASSStyle
, MovTextDefault
- back_frame
: Rl2Context
- back_ptr
: Syncpoint
- backend_options
: DnnContext
- backend_type
: DnnContext
- background
: AVStreamGroupTileGrid
, BackgroundkeyContext
, CiescopeContext
, OpenGLContext
- background_color
: QREncodeContext
- background_color_index
: GifState
- backup_frame
: SirenContext
- backward
: VignetteContext
- backward_f_code
: MPEG2RawPictureHeader
- bad_config
: HDCDContext
- bad_frame_indicator
: AMRContext
- bad_seq
: RTPStatistics
- badness_threshold
: PhotosensitivityContext
- bag
: MP3Context
- bailout
: MBContext
- balance
: StereoState
, VibranceContext
- balance_in
: StereoToolsContext
- balance_l
: HaasContext
- balance_out
: StereoToolsContext
- balance_r
: HaasContext
- bamount
: BlackFrameContext
- band
: AacPsyChannel
, DelogoContext
, G722Context
, Jpeg2000ResLevel
, PixletContext
, Plane
, PlaneEnc
- band_alpha
: AudioFFTDeNoiseContext
- band_alt
: SingleChannelElement
- band_amt
: DeNoiseChannel
- band_beta
: AudioFFTDeNoiseContext
- band_buf1
: MCompandContext
- band_buf2
: MCompandContext
- band_buf3
: MCompandContext
- band_centre
: AudioFFTDeNoiseContext
- band_count
: ATRAC9BlockData
- band_crc_present
: DCAXllDecoder
- band_encoding
: CFHDContext
- band_excit
: DeNoiseChannel
- band_ext
: ATRAC9ChannelData
- band_ext_data
: ATRAC9ChannelData
- band_ext_q_unit
: ATRAC9BlockData
- band_filter
- band_incr
: DynamicRangeControl
- band_index
: QDMCContext
- band_interpolation
: DCAEncContext
- band_interpolation_tab
: DCAEncContext
- band_limit
: DCALbrDecoder
- band_masking_cb
: DCAEncContext
- band_multiplier
: AudioFFTDeNoiseContext
- band_noise
: DeNoiseChannel
- band_noise_str
: AudioFFTDeNoiseContext
- band_num
: IVIBandDesc
- band_position
: SAOParams
- band_psd
: AC3Block
- band_psd_buffer
: AC3EncodeContext
- band_run_end
: On2AVCContext
- band_samples
: MCompandContext
- band_scales
: On2AVCContext
- band_spectrum
: DCAEncContext
- band_spectrum_tab
: DCAEncContext
- band_start
: On2AVCContext
, On2AVCMode
- band_top
: DynamicRangeControl
- band_type
: On2AVCContext
, SingleChannelElement
- bandFlagsBuf
: IMCChannel
- bands
: AT1Ctx
, BinkAudioContext
, DCAXllChSet
, FFPsyContext
, IVIPlaneDesc
, MCompandContext
, MPCContext
, OpusPsyStep
- bands_coded
: ChannelUnit
- bands_per_hfr_group
: HCAContext
- bandwidth
: iec61883_data
, MatroskaDemuxContext
, OpusPacket
, OpusPacketInfo
, representation
, SilkContext
, variant
, variant_info
- bandwidth_code
: AC3EncodeContext
- bandWidthT
: IMCChannel
- bank_id
: PPBnkHeader
- bap
: DBEChannel
- bap1_buffer
: AC3EncodeContext
- bap_buffer
: AC3EncodeContext
- bar_g
: ShowCQTContext
- bar_h
: ShowCQTContext
- bar_ratio
: ShowCWTContext
- bar_size
: ShowCWTContext
- bar_t
: ShowCQTContext
- bar_time
: ShowCQTContext
- bar_v
: ShowCQTContext
- bar_v_buf
: ShowCQTContext
- bark1
: TwinVQFrameData
- bark_cb
: TwinVQFrameMode
- bark_env_size
: TwinVQFrameMode
- bark_hist
: TwinVQContext
- bark_map_size
: vorbis_floor::vorbis_floor_u::vorbis_floor0_s
- bark_n_bit
: TwinVQFrameMode
- bark_n_coef
: TwinVQFrameMode
- bark_tab
: TwinVQFrameMode
- bark_use_hist
: TwinVQFrameData
- barks
: AacPsyCoeffs
- base
: ChannelContext
, D3D12VAEncodeContext
, DNNExecClassificationParams
, FFIMFMarkerResource
, FFIMFMarkerVirtualTrack
, FFIMFTrackFileResource
, FFIMFTrackFileVirtualTrack
, FFVulkanEncodeContext
, FFVulkanEncodePicture
, PCMLUTDecode
, PCMScaleDecode
, Peak
, StackQSVContext
, StackVAAPIContext
, StereoToolsContext
, ThreadData
, VAAPIAV1DecContext
, VAAPIEncodeContext
- base_arr
- base_band_count
: HCAContext
- base_buffer
: slice_buffer_s
- base_clock
: FilmDemuxContext
- base_data_offset
: MOVFragment
- base_enable_flag
: AVHDRVividColorToneMappingParams
- base_layer_frame
: HEVCFrame
- base_matrix
: Vp3DecodeContext
- base_offset
: NSVContext
- base_output_dirname
: VariantStream
- base_param_Delta
: AVHDRVividColorToneMappingParams
- base_param_Delta_enable_mode
: AVHDRVividColorToneMappingParams
- base_param_k1
: AVHDRVividColorToneMappingParams
- base_param_k2
: AVHDRVividColorToneMappingParams
- base_param_k3
: AVHDRVividColorToneMappingParams
- base_param_m_a
: AVHDRVividColorToneMappingParams
- base_param_m_b
: AVHDRVividColorToneMappingParams
- base_param_m_m
: AVHDRVividColorToneMappingParams
- base_param_m_n
: AVHDRVividColorToneMappingParams
- base_param_m_p
: AVHDRVividColorToneMappingParams
- base_pitch_lag
: AMRWBContext
- base_q_idx
: AV1RawFrameHeader
, VP9RawFrameHeader
- base_qindex
: VP8RawFrameHeader
- base_quant
: VP8Context
- base_record
: Page
- base_seq
: RTPStatistics
- base_size
: Box
- base_timestamp
: RTPDemuxContext
, RTPMuxContext
- base_url
: DASHContext
, IMFContext
- base_vf
: VC2EncContext
- base_volume
: PulseData
- baseDcDiff
: PPMode
- basefreq
: AudioDynamicSmoothContext
, ShowCQTContext
- baseline
: AVStereo3D
- basename
: VariantStream
- basename_tmp
: VariantStream
- basetable
: Float2HalfTables
- basetime
: DrawTextContext
- baseurl
: HLSContext
- basf
: ArgoBRPDemuxContext
, ArgoBRPStreamHeader
- basic_info
: LibJxlDecodeContext
- bass_amount
: ModPlugContext
- bass_range
: ModPlugContext
- batch_size
: OVOptions
- bayer
: FlipContext
, MJpegDecodeContext
- bayer_plus1
: FlipContext
- bayer_scale
: PaletteUseContext
- bb
: ColorChannelMixerContext
- bb_bottom
: DrawTextContext
- bb_left
: DrawTextContext
- bb_right
: DrawTextContext
- bb_top
: DrawTextContext
- bbdsp
: ASVCommonContext
, FourXContext
, MadContext
, MDECContext
, MimicContext
, RawVideoContext
- bbits
: LZWState
- bbox
: Glyph
- bbox_index
: LastLevelTaskItem
- bbox_size
: AVDetectionBBoxHeader
- bboxes
: CropDetectContext
- bboxes_fifo
: DnnDetectContext
- bboxes_offset
: AVDetectionBBoxHeader
- bbuf
: LZWState
- BButter
: ReplayGainFreqInfo
- bc
: ebml_stored_master
, PixletContext
- bcw_idx
: MotionInfo
, MvField
- bd
: BlurayContext
- bd_offset
: TransformBlock
- bd_shift
: TransformBlock
- bdiffs
: DecimateContext
- bdiffsize
: DecimateContext
- bdof_fetch_samples
: VVCInterDSPContext
- bdof_flag
: PredictionUnit
- bdpcm_flag
: CodingUnit
- bdsp
: ALSDecContext
, APEContext
, ASVDecContext
, AVSContext
, BinkContext
, CLLCContext
, DNXHDContext
, FlacEncodeContext
, FourXContext
, FrapsContext
, HEVCContext
, HYuvDecContext
, HYuvEncContext
, IMCContext
, IMM4Context
, IntraX8Context
, JPGContext
, JvContext
, LeadContext
, MadContext
, MDECContext
, MimicContext
, MJpegDecodeContext
, MobiClipContext
, MotionPixelsContext
, MPCContext
, MpegEncContext
, MV30Context
, ProresContext
, ShortenContext
, SHQContext
, TM2Context
, TqiContext
, TSContext
, UtvideoContext
, YLCContext
- beat
: sbg_script_synth
- beep
: AVSyncTestContext
, SineContext
- beep_duration
: AVSyncTestContext
- beep_factor
: SineContext
- beep_index
: SineContext
- beep_length
: SineContext
- beep_period
: SineContext
- before
: FFFrameSyncIn
- begin
: vorbis_enc_residue
, vorbis_residue
- begin_gain
: DolbyEHeaderInfo
- bench
: options
- best_bit_use
: SubcelEvaluation
- best_bits
: WavPackExtraInfo
- best_buffer
: WavPackEncodeContext
- best_buffer_size
: WavPackEncodeContext
- best_child
: FLACHeaderMarker
- best_coding
: CelEvaluation
, SubcelEvaluation
- best_decorr
: WavPackEncodeContext
- best_effort_timestamp
: AVFrame
- best_encoding
: mb_info
- best_frame
: CinepakEncContext
- best_header
: FLACParseContext
- best_header_valid
: FLACParseContext
- best_input
: SchFilterGraph
- best_offset
: MLPBlock
- bestpos
: Msvideo1EncContext
- beta
: AMRContext
, DeblockContext
, SincContext
, TransferCharacteristics
- beta_offset
: AVSContext
, DBParams
, SliceHeader
- bethsoft_global_delay
: BVID_DemuxContext
- bezier_curve_anchors
: AVHDRPlusColorTransformParams
- bfilter_hi
: OpusPsyContext
- bfilter_lo
: OpusPsyContext
- bfraction
: VC1Context
- bfraction_lut_index
: VC1Context
- bframes
: GXFStreamContext
- bg
: AnsiContext
, AVSyncTestContext
, ColorChannelMixerContext
, DrawGraphContext
, GraphMonitorContext
- bg_color
: CCaptionSubContext
, GifState
, HistogramContext
, SANMFrameHeader
, VectorscopeContext
, WaveformContext
- bgcolor
: DVBSubObjectDisplay
, DVBSubRegion
- bglyph
: Glyph
- bgmc
: ALSSpecificConfig
- bgmc_lut
: ALSDecContext
- bgmc_lut_status
: ALSDecContext
- bgopacity
: HistogramContext
, ShowVolumeContext
, VectorscopeContext
, WaveformContext
- bgr32
: HYuvDecContext
- bgs
: Screen
- bh
: ChromaShiftContext
, ColorCorrectContext
, ZmbvContext
- bh_out
: ShowCWTContext
- bi_not_empty
: D3D12VAEncodeContext
- bi_type
: VC1Context
- bias
: ConvolutionContext
, CParam
, DenseLayer
, GRULayer
, RALFContext
, VLCSet
, VlcState
- bias_cb
: LevelCodes
- bias_l0
: PrescreenerCoefficients
- bias_l1
: PrescreenerCoefficients
- bias_l2
: PrescreenerCoefficients
- biases
: ConvolutionOpenCLContext
- bidir_refine
: AVCodecContext
- big_endian
: DPXContext
, EaDemuxContext
- big_values
: GranuleDef
- bigendian
: VmncContext
- bin
: EbmlElement
, MatroskaAttachment
, MatroskaBlock
- bin2band
: AudioFFTDeNoiseContext
- bin_count
: AudioFFTDeNoiseContext
- binary
: TestContext
- binary1
: TestContext
- binary2
: TestContext
- binary_size
: TestContext
- binary_size1
: TestContext
- binary_size2
: TestContext
- bind_address
: ZMQContext
- bind_point
: FFVulkanShader
- BindFlags
: AVD3D11VAFramesContext
- binding
: FFVulkanDescriptorSet
- binding_offset
: FFVulkanDescriptorSet
- binkdsp
: BinkContext
- bins
: MedianContext
- bipred_scratchpad
: H264SliceContext
- bipred_scratchpad_allocated
: H264SliceContext
- biquads
: IIRChannel
- bit
: BitCount
, CodeItem
, MECmpContext
- bit_alloc
: AC3EncodeContext
- bit_alloc_calc_bap
: AC3DSPContext
- bit_allocation
: DCACoreDecoder
- bit_allocation_sel
: DCACoreDecoder
, DCAEncContext
- bit_buf
: PutBitContext
, StateVars
- bit_count
: VP8Context
- bit_depth
: AMFEncoderContext
, AV1ReferenceFrameState
, AVDiracSeqHeader
, CIDEntry
, CodedBitstreamAV1Context
, CodedBitstreamVP9Context
, DiracContext
, DNXHDContext
, DNXHDEncContext
, DVDVideoPGCAudioStreamEntry
, FFJXLMetadata
, PNGDecContext
, PNGEncContext
, SDSContext
, VP9ReferenceFrameState
- bit_depth_aux_minus8
: H264RawSPSExtension
- bit_depth_chroma
: AVFilmGrainH274Params
, AVFilmGrainParams
, H2645SEIFilmGrainCharacteristics
, H264SPS
, RepFormat
- bit_depth_chroma_minus8
: EVCDecoderConfigurationRecord
, EVCParserSPS
, H264RawSPS
, H265RawSPS
- bit_depth_luma
: AVFilmGrainH274Params
, AVFilmGrainParams
, H2645SEIFilmGrainCharacteristics
, H264Context
, H264SPS
, RepFormat
- bit_depth_luma_minus8
: EVCDecoderConfigurationRecord
, EVCParserSPS
, H264RawSPS
, H265RawSPS
- bit_depth_minus8
: VVCDecoderConfigurationRecord
- bit_index
: Jpeg2000DecoderContext
, Jpeg2000EncoderContext
- bit_left
: PutBitContext
- bit_length
: ChContext
, H265RawExtensionData
, H266RawExtensionData
- bit_rate
: AACADTSHeaderInfo
, AC3EncodeContext
, AC3HeaderInfo
, AVCodecContext
, AVCodecParameters
, AVFormatContext
, DCACoreDecoder
, FFHWBaseEncodeH264Opts
, G729DemuxerContext
, MetasoundProps
, Mpeg1Context
, MPVMainEncContext
, MSMP4DecContext
, OutputStream
, StreamInfo
, VAAPIEncodeMPEG2Context
, XMVAudioPacket
- bit_rate_du_value_minus1
: H265RawSubLayerHRDParameters
, H266RawSubLayerHRDParameters
, HEVCSublayerHdrParams
- bit_rate_exponent
: VC1Context
- bit_rate_extension
: MPEG2RawSequenceExtension
- bit_rate_orig
: DCALbrDecoder
- bit_rate_scale
: H264RawHRD
, H265RawHRDParameters
, H266RawGeneralTimingHrdParameters
, HEVCHdrParams
, HRDParameters
- bit_rate_scaled
: DCALbrDecoder
- bit_rate_tolerance
: AVCodecContext
- bit_rate_value
: MPEG2RawSequenceHeader
- bit_rate_value_minus1
: H264RawHRD
, H265RawSubLayerHRDParameters
, H266RawSubLayerHRDParameters
, HEVCSublayerHdrParams
, HRDParameters
- bit_rates
: CIDEntry
- bit_size
: EncBlockInfo
- bit_width_adjust
: DCAXllBand
- bitalloc_hybrid_linear
: DCAXllChSet
- bitalloc_part_a
: DCAXllChSet
- bitalloc_part_b
: DCAXllChSet
- bitb
: XeveContext
- bitbuf
: BitBuf
- bitcount
: BestOffset
, PathCounter
- bitdepth
: AV1SequenceParameters
, CropDetectContext
, FrameRateContext
, FreezeDetectContext
, MatroskaTrackAudio
, MIContext
, SCDetContext
, SelectContext
, UnsharpContext
- bitDepthChromaMinus8
: HEVCDecoderConfigurationRecord
- bitDepthLumaMinus8
: HEVCDecoderConfigurationRecord
- bitexact
: OptionsContext
, OutputFile
, OutputStream
- bitindex
: ShortenContext
- bitlen
: QCELPBitmap
- bitmap
: EXRThreadData
, FFV1SliceContext
, XFaceContext
- bitmap_compression
: IffDemuxContext
- bitmap_plane_height
: ARIBCaptionContext
- bitmap_plane_width
: ARIBCaptionContext
- bitmap_size
: CinVideoContext
- bitmap_table
: CinVideoContext
- bitmask_size
: MXpegDecodeContext
- bitpix
: FITSHeader
- bitplane
: BPNContext
- bitpool
: sbc_frame
- bitpos
: QCELPBitmap
- bitrate
: D3D12VAEncodeRCMode
, EVRCContext
, OutputStream
, QCELPContext
, SpeexContext
, Track
, UDPContext
, VAAPIEncodeRCMode
- bitrate_acc
: WvChannel
- bitrate_delta
: WvChannel
- bitrate_index
: DCAEncContext
, MpegAudioContext
- bitrate_limit
: QSVEncContext
- bitrate_maximum
: vorbis_context_s
- bitrate_minimum
: vorbis_context_s
- bitrate_mode
: MediaCodecEncContext
- bitrate_nominal
: vorbis_context_s
- bitrates
: MOVContext
- bitrates_count
: MOVContext
- bitres
: FFPsyContext
- bitrtq_postproc
: VC1Context
- bits
: AACQuantizeBandCostCacheEntry
, AccessUnit
, ACrusherContext
, Atrac3pSpecCodeTab
, AudioTrack
, BitBuf
, BonkContext
, Codebook
, DssSpContext
, FFPsyBand
, FFPsyContext
, FFv1VkRCTParameters
, HYuvDecContext
, HYuvEncContext
, IcoImage
, IMM5_unit
, LibSpeexContext
, LibSpeexEncContext
, LZWEncodeState
, MJpegDecodeContext
, Model64
, MPCContext
, PhotoCDContext
, ProbContext
, RCEntry
, Runbook
, SampleFmtInfo
, SIFFContext
, StateVars
, TM2Codes
, TrellisNode
, TwinVQContext
, VLCcode
, VP9TileData
, VPXRangeCoder
, WaveformContext
- bits_ac_chrominance
: MJpegContext
- bits_ac_luminance
: MJpegContext
- bits_ceil
: SliceArgs
- bits_dc_chrominance
: MJpegContext
- bits_dc_luminance
: MJpegContext
- bits_floor
: SliceArgs
- bits_left
: StateVars
- bits_main_spec
: TwinVQContext
- bits_main_spec_change
: TwinVQContext
- bits_per_channel
: MatroskaTrackVideoColor
- bits_per_coded_sample
: AVCodecContext
, AVCodecParameters
- bits_per_codeword
: G722Context
- bits_per_component
: CoreImageContext
, DPXContext
- bits_per_frame
: SiprModeParam
- bits_per_mb
: ProresContext
- bits_per_pixel
: GifState
, PNGDecContext
, PNGEncContext
, rgb_pixfmt_map_entry
- bits_per_raw_sample
: AVCodecContext
, AVCodecParameters
, FFV1Context
, FFv1VkParameters
, FrameData
, OptionsContext
, OutputStream
- bits_per_sample
, avs_format
, HDCDContext
, MXFDescriptor
, WmallDecodeCtx
, WMAProDecodeCtx
, XMVAudioPacket
- bits_per_section
: On2AVCContext
- bits_per_subpacket
: COOKSubpacket
- bits_per_subpdiv
: COOKSubpacket
- bits_tab
: RateControlContext
- bits_valid
- bits_written
: AC3EncodeContext
- bitsBandT
: IMCChannel
- bitsend
: WmallDecodeCtx
- bitshift
: ShortenContext
- bitslice
: Slice
- bitslice_size
: MagicYUVContext
- bitstream
: APACContext
, av1_dxva2_picture_context
, AV1DecodePictureContext
, BonkContext
, D3D12DecodePictureContext
, dxva2_picture_context
, H264DecodePictureContext
, hevc_dxva2_picture_context
, HEVCDecodePictureContext
, IMM4Context
, InterplayACMContext
, MobiClipContext
, NVDECContext
, OSQContext
, ShortenContext
, vp9_dxva2_picture_context
, VP9DecodePictureContext
, VTContext
, WavArcContext
- bitstream_allocated
: AV1DXVAContext
, NVDECContext
- bitstream_bpp
: HYuvDecContext
, HYuvEncContext
- bitstream_buf
: LeadContext
, MadContext
, RawVideoContext
, TqiContext
- bitstream_buf_size
: LeadContext
, MadContext
, RawVideoContext
, TqiContext
- bitstream_buffer
: ASVDecContext
, D3D12AV1DecodeContext
, FourXContext
, HYuvDecContext
, MDECContext
, Mpeg4DecContext
- bitstream_buffer_size
: ASVDecContext
, FourXContext
, HYuvDecContext
, MDECContext
- bitstream_buffers
: vdpau_picture_context
- bitstream_buffers_allocated
: vdpau_picture_context
- bitstream_buffers_used
: vdpau_picture_context
- bitstream_cache
: AV1DXVAContext
- bitstream_checked
: FFStream
- bitstream_filters
: OptionsContext
- bitstream_id
: AC3EncodeContext
, AC3HeaderInfo
- bitstream_index
: APACContext
, BonkContext
, InterplayACMContext
, ShortenContext
, WavArcContext
- bitstream_internal
: NVDECContext
- bitstream_len
: NVDECContext
- bitstream_mode
: AC3EncodeContext
, AC3EncOptions
, AC3HeaderInfo
- bitstream_restriction_flag
: H264RawVUI
, H265RawVUI
, VUIParameters
- bitstream_size
: AGMContext
, APACContext
, av1_dxva2_picture_context
, AV1DecodePictureContext
, BonkContext
, D3D12DecodePictureContext
, D3D12VADecodeContext
, dxva2_picture_context
, H264DecodePictureContext
, hevc_dxva2_picture_context
, HEVCDecodePictureContext
, IMM4Context
, InterplayACMContext
, MobiClipContext
, OSQContext
, ShortenContext
, vp9_dxva2_picture_context
, VP9DecodePictureContext
, VTContext
, WavArcContext
- bitstream_version
: SpeexContext
- bitstring
: PrompegFec
- bitstring_size
: PrompegContext
- biweight_dirac_pixels_tab
: DiracDSPContext
- biweight_func
: DiracContext
- biweight_h264_pixels_tab
: H264DSPContext
- bl
: ColorCorrectContext
, VP9Block
- bl_bit_depth
: AVDOVIRpuDataHeader
- bl_present_flag
: AVDOVIDecoderConfigurationRecord
- bl_video_full_range_flag
: AVDOVIRpuDataHeader
- black
: DatascopeContext
, ExposureContext
, LumakeyContext
, OscilloscopeContext
, PixscopeContext
, ScanItem
, XFadeContext
- black_buffers
: TiltandshiftContext
- black_data
: TInterlaceContext
- black_end
: BlackDetectContext
- black_fade
: FadeContext
- black_level
: FadeContext
, MlvContext
, TiffContext
- black_level_scaled
: FadeContext
- black_linesize
: TInterlaceContext
- black_linesizes
: TiltandshiftContext
- black_min_duration
: BlackDetectContext
- black_min_duration_time
: BlackDetectContext
- black_ref_level
: MXFDescriptor
- black_start
: BlackDetectContext
- black_started
: BlackDetectContext
- blacklist
: OCRContext
- blackpt
: NormalizeContext
- blank
: DisplaceContext
, FITSHeader
, TileContext
- blank_advance64
: DrawTextContext
- blank_found
: FITSHeader
- blank_val
: FITSContext
- blanks
: Stereo3DContext
- blbrc
: VAAPIEncodeContext
- blend
: AExciterContext
, BackgroundkeyContext
, ChromakeyContext
, ChromakeyCUDAContext
, ColorkeyContext
, ColorkeyOpenCLContext
, FilterParams
, FilterParamsVulkan
, FrameRateContext
, HSVKeyContext
- blend_alpha
: OverlayVAAPIContext
- blend_factor_max
: FrameRateContext
- blend_flags
: OverlayVAAPIContext
- blend_func
: FilterParamsVulkan
- blend_line
: WaveformContext
- blend_old
: ChannelParams
- blend_op
: APNGFctlChunk
, PNGDecContext
- blend_row
: OverlayContext
- blend_slice
: OverlayContext
- blend_state
: DdagrabContext
- blend_state_xor
: DdagrabContext
- blending_mode_id
: AVFilmGrainH274Params
, H2645SEIFilmGrainCharacteristics
, H264RawFilmGrainCharacteristics
, H265RawFilmGrainCharacteristics
- blf
: BilinearMap
- blheight
: DiracContext
- bli
: BilinearMap
- blk_info
: RV60Context
- blk_mv_type
: VC1Context
- blk_mv_type_base
: VC1Context
- blk_pos
: CUContext
- blk_size
: IVIBandDesc
- blk_stride
: RV60Context
- blk_vlc
: IVI45DecContext
, IVIBandDesc
- blknum
: ChannelStats
- blks
: BLRContext
- blmotion
: DiracContext
- block
: AGMContext
, AICContext
, ASVDecContext
, ASVEncContext
, ATRAC9Context
, AVSContext
, BiquadsContext
, BlockXY
, CeltFrame
, ChContext
, CLVContext
, CodecViewContext
, DeblockContext
, EXRThreadData
, FICThreadContext
, FourXContext
, HQContext
, HQXSlice
, IMM4Context
, InterplayACMContext
, IntraX8Context
, IPUContext
, JPGContext
, MadContext
, MatroskaCluster
, MDECContext
, MJpegDecodeContext
, MpegEncContext
, MSS4Context
, Msvideo1EncContext
, MV30Context
, RTJpegContext
, RTPContext
, SnowContext
, TgqContext
, TqiContext
, TSCC2Context
, UDPContext
, VagueDenoiserContext
, VC1Context
, Vp3DecodeContext
, VP8ThreadData
, VP9TileData
- block2
: Msvideo1EncContext
- block32
: Mpeg4DecContext
- block_addition_mappings
: MatroskaTrack
- block_align
: AudioDelayContext
, AVCodecContext
, AVCodecParameters
, BiquadsContext
, IdcinDemuxContext
, SIFFContext
, SonicContext
, XMVAudioPacket
- block_alloc_using_2pass
: VP9Context
- block_base
: VP9TileData
- block_bytes
: LibLC3EncContext
- block_codebook
: TgvContext
- block_coeff
: VP56Context
- block_config
: ATRAC9Context
- block_conv_table
: WMAVoiceContext
- block_count
: AMRParseContext
, BRSTMDemuxContext
, ElemCat
, MCADemuxContext
, VPKDemuxContext
, XMVAudioPacket
- block_data
: WCMVContext
- block_dc
: VP8ThreadData
- block_delta_pitch_hrange
: WMAVoiceContext
- block_delta_pitch_nbits
: WMAVoiceContext
- block_duration
: AIFFInputContext
- block_energy_histogram
: FFEBUR128StateInternal
- block_filtering
: BM3DContext
- block_h
: PixelizeContext
, ShufflePixelsContext
- block_header
: WVContext
- block_height
: BlockInfo
, BLRContext
, comp_types
, FlashSV2Context
, FlashSVContext
, TrueMotion1Context
- block_idx
: WvHeader
- block_index
: BlockInfo
, MpegEncContext
- block_last_index
: MpegEncContext
- block_len
: InterplayACMContext
, WMACodecContext
- block_len_bits
: WMACodecContext
- block_length
: ALSBlockData
, ChContext
- block_max_depth
: SnowContext
- block_num
: WMACodecContext
- block_offset
, H264Context
, SVQ3Context
, VP56Context
- block_parsed
: WVContext
- block_pct
: BLRContext
- block_pitch_nbits
: WMAVoiceContext
- block_pitch_range
: WMAVoiceContext
- block_pos
: WMACodecContext
- block_pts
: RALFContext
- block_records
: C93DemuxContext
- block_samples
: BiquadsContext
, CrossfeedContext
, ILBCContext
, WavPackEncodeContext
, XMVAudioPacket
- block_size
: ADPCMEncodeContext
, ADXParseContext
, AptXContext
, AudioFIRSegment
, AVVideoEncParams
, BinkAudioContext
, BM3DContext
, BRSTMDemuxContext
, CrossfeedContext
, DVAudioContext
, FFTdnoizContext
, FlashSVContext
, G729FormatDescription
, G729ParseContext
, GIFParseContext
, GSMParseContext
, MCADemuxContext
, PayloadContext
, PCMDVDContext
, RALFContext
, VAAPIEncodeSlice
- block_size_idx_x
: VP9TileData
- block_size_idx_y
: VP9TileData
- block_sizes
: AVDVProfile
- block_start
: VAAPIEncodeSlice
- block_state
: SnowContext
- block_step
: BM3DContext
- block_stride
: MJpegDecodeContext
- block_structure
: VP9TileData
- block_switching
: ALSSpecificConfig
- block_time_ms
: CompressionOptions
- block_total
: BLKContext
- block_tseq
: sbg_script
- block_type
: comp_types
, GranuleDef
, PayloadContext
, RV34DecContext
, TrueMotion1Context
- block_w
: PixelizeContext
, ShufflePixelsContext
- block_width
: BlockInfo
, BLRContext
, comp_types
, FlashSV2Context
, FlashSVContext
, TrueMotion1Context
- block_width_l2
: DNXHDEncContext
- block_wrap
: MpegEncContext
- blockadditionmapping_offset
: mkv_track
- blockbuffer
: FlashSV2Context
- blockbuffer_size
: FlashSV2Context
- blockflag
: vorbis_enc_mode
, vorbis_mode
- blocklen
- blockmore
: MatroskaBlock
- blockout
: AudioFIRSegment
- blockpos
: SubStream
- blocks
: AC3EncodeContext
, CeltFrame
, CodeBook
, DNXHDEncContext
, ElemCat
, FlashSVContext
, FMVCContext
, Frame
, MJpegDecodeContext
, MpegEncContext
, ProresContext
, ProresThreadData
, RowContext
, sbc_frame
, SCPRContext
, UltimotionDecodeContext
- blocks_count_table
: PAFDemuxContext
- blocks_h
: AGMContext
- blocks_off
: VC1Context
- blocks_offset
: AVVideoEncParams
- blocks_offset_table
: PAFDemuxContext
- blocks_per_loop
: APEContext
- blocks_per_row
: BlockInfo
- blocks_read
: ArgoASFDemuxContext
, ArgoCVGDemuxContext
- blocks_size
: FlashSV2Context
- blocks_w
: AGMContext
- blocksize
: AVVorbisParseContext
, CeltFrame
, DecodingParams
, DeshakeContext
, FileContext
, FLACContext
, FlacFrame
, FLACFrameInfo
, LPCContext
, ShortenContext
, SubStream
, Track
, vorbis_context_s
, WvHeader
- blocksperframe
: APEContext
- blockx
: DecimateContext
, FieldMatchContext
- blocky
: DecimateContext
, FieldMatchContext
- blue
: GraphMonitorContext
, OscilloscopeContext
, PixscopeContext
- blue_offset
: rgb_pixfmt_map_entry
- blueDither
: SwsInternal
- bluescale
: DespillContext
- blur
: DebandContext
- blur_data
: VMAFMotionData
- blur_line
: GradFunContext
- blur_plane
: VarBlurContext
- blur_total
: BLRContext
- blur_x
: UnsharpOpenCLContext
- blur_y
: UnsharpOpenCLContext
- bluray_compat
: NvencContext
, X264Context
- blw
: HueSaturationContext
- blwidth
: DiracContext
- bm_range
: BM3DContext
- bm_step
: BM3DContext
- bmd_field_dominance
: decklink_ctx
- bmd_height
: decklink_ctx
- bmd_mode
: decklink_ctx
- bmd_tb_den
: decklink_ctx
- bmd_tb_num
: decklink_ctx
- bmd_width
: decklink_ctx
- bmi
: gdigrab
- bmode_in
: StereoToolsContext
- bmode_out
: StereoToolsContext
- bmv
: VP8Macroblock
- bmvtype
: VC1Context
- body_end
: IffDemuxContext
- body_length
: JXLFrame
- body_offset
: MXFContext
, MXFPartition
- body_partition_offset
: MXFContext
- body_partitions_count
: MXFContext
- body_pos
: IffDemuxContext
- body_sid
: MXFEssenceContainerData
, MXFIndexTable
, MXFIndexTableSegment
, MXFPartition
, MXFTrack
- body_size
: IffDemuxContext
- bold
: ASSStyle
, StyleBox
- book_list
: vorbis_floor::vorbis_floor_u::vorbis_floor0_s
- books
: vorbis_enc_floor_class
, vorbis_enc_residue
, vorbis_residue
- bool1
: TestContext
- bool2
: TestContext
- bool3
: TestContext
- border_bglyph
: Glyph
- border_glyph
: Glyph
- border_masking
: MPVMainEncContext
- border_position
: PSCommonContext
- border_style
: ARIBCaptionContext
, ASSStyle
- border_type
: NPPSharpenContext
- bordercolor
: DrawTextContext
- borders
: FillBordersContext
- borderw
: DrawTextContext
- born_rule
: LifeContext
- bottom
: AVRegionOfInterest
, Borders
, CuvidContext
, FillBordersContext
, Rectangle2
, ThreadData
- bottom_field
: MJpegDecodeContext
- bottom_field_flag
: H264RawSliceHeader
- bottom_field_pic_order_in_frame_present_flag
: H264RawPPS
- bottom_offset
: AVDOVIDmLevel5
, HEVCWindow
, VVCWindow
- bottom_right
: CropInfo
, H264RawPPS
- bottomrightx
: VC1Context
- bottomrighty
: VC1Context
- bound
: InputFilterPriv
, OutputFilter
- bound_bottom
: AVSphericalMapping
- bound_buffer_indices
: FFVulkanShader
- bound_left
: AVSphericalMapping
- bound_right
: AVSphericalMapping
- bound_top
: AVSphericalMapping
- boundary
: MPJPEGDemuxContext
- boundary_flags
: HEVCLocalContext
, VVCLocalContext
- boundary_tag
: MPJPEGContext
- boundaryscale
: GBlurContext
- boundaryscaleV
: GBlurContext
- boundedBlockLength
: LV2Context
- bounding_values_array
: Vp3DecodeContext
, VP56Context
- box_flags
: MovTextContext
- box_height
: DrawTextContext
- box_slice
: GuidedContext
- box_source
: DrawBoxContext
- box_source_string
: DrawBoxContext
- box_width
: DrawTextContext
- boxborderw
: DrawTextContext
- boxcolor
: DrawTextContext
- boxes
: PaletteGenContext
- boxh
: DrawTextContext
- boxw
: DrawTextContext
- bp
: MqcState
, VP9Block
- bp_seq_parameter_set_id
: H265RawSEIBufferingPeriod
- bpc
: CFHDContext
, ConvolutionContext
, DeblockContext
, DXAContext
, FieldMatchContext
, LIBVMAFContext
, NContext
, ThresholdContext
, VagueDenoiserContext
- bpf_6_7_mem
: AMRWBContext
- bpf_control_info
: AACUsacElemData
- bpm
: AudioPulsatorContext
, AVDVProfile
- bpp
: ArgoContext
, CamStudioContext
, CDXLVideoContext
, ColorLevelsContext
, DDSContext
, FadeContext
, FMVCContext
, G2MContext
, HisteqContext
, HueSaturationContext
, IffContext
, IffDemuxContext
, JLSState
, LAFContext
, MSCCContext
, PNGDecContext
, RASCContext
, Super2xSaIContext
, TiffContext
, TiffEncoderContext
, TsccContext
, VC2EncContext
, VmncContext
, VP9BitstreamHeader
, WCMVContext
, WVContext
, XCBGrabContext
, XPSNRContext
, ZmbvContext
- bpp2
: VmncContext
- bpp_idx
: VC2EncContext
- bpp_index
: VP9Context
- bpp_tab_size
: TiffEncoderContext
- bppcount
: TiffContext
- bprob
: ChContext
, RKAContext
- bps
: AMergeContext
, APEContext
, AudioData
, FLACFrameInfo
, FLACStreaminfo
, GEQContext
, HYuvDecContext
, HYuvEncContext
, MagicYUVContext
, RKAContext
, SndioData
, TAKStreamInfo
, TTAContext
, TTAEncContext
, UnsharpContext
, WsVqaDemuxContext
- bps_code
: FlacEncodeContext
- bpstart
: MqcState
- br
: ColorChannelMixerContext
, MOFLEXDemuxContext
- br_code
: DCACoreFrameHeader
- br_tab
: prores_profile
- brd_scale
: MPVMainEncContext
- break_non_keyframes
: SegmentContext
- breaks
: PullupField
- brf
: BilinearMap
- brfd
: VC1Context
- bri
: BilinearMap
- brickw
: RIAACurve
- brief_descriptors_time
: DeshakeOpenCLContext
- brief_pattern
: DeshakeOpenCLContext
- bright
: ProcampVAAPIContext
- brightness
: AVDOVIDmLevel11
, DespillContext
, EQContext
, EQParameters
, HueContext
, LibplaceboContext
, SwsInternal
, VPPContext
- brightness_expr
: EQContext
, HueContext
- brightness_pexpr
: EQContext
, HueContext
- broadcast
: VC1Context
- broken
: playlist
- broken_frame
: PayloadContext
- broken_link
: MPEG2RawGroupOfPicturesHeader
, VC1Context
- broken_link_flag
: H264RawSEIRecoveryPoint
, H265RawSEIRecoveryPoint
, HEVCSEIRecoveryPoint
- broken_sizes
: FLVContext
- bs
: LZWState
, QSVPacket
, VP9Block
, VVCFrameContext
- bs2bp
: Bs2bContext
- bs_add_harmonic
: SBRData
- bs_add_harmonic_flag
: SBRData
- bs_alter_scale
: SpectrumParameters
- bs_amp_res
: SBRData
- bs_amp_res_header
: SpectralBandReplication
- bs_code
: FlacFrame
- bs_coupling
: SpectralBandReplication
- bs_df_env
: SBRData
- bs_df_noise
: SBRData
- bs_frame_class
: SBRData
- bs_freq_res
: SBRData
- bs_freq_scale
: SpectrumParameters
- bs_height
: HEVCLayerContext
- bs_interpol_freq
: SpectralBandReplication
- bs_intertes
: AACUsacElemConfig
- bs_invf_mode
: SBRData
- bs_limiter_bands
: SpectralBandReplication
- bs_limiter_gains
: SpectralBandReplication
- bs_noise_bands
: SpectrumParameters
- bs_num_env
: SBRData
- bs_num_noise
: SBRData
- bs_pvc
: AACUsacElemConfig
- bs_sbr_preprocessing
: SpectralBandReplication
- bs_smoothing_mode
: SpectralBandReplication
- bs_start_freq
: SpectrumParameters
- bs_stop_freq
: SpectrumParameters
- bs_width
: HEVCLayerContext
- bs_xover_band
: SpectrumParameters
- bscale
: FITSHeader
- bsdsp
: TqiContext
- bsf
: AOMEncoderContext
, AV1DemuxContext
, AVCodecInternal
, ConcatStream
, DemuxStream
, EVCDemuxContext
, FFStream
, MediaCodecEncContext
- bsf_ctx
: MuxStream
- bsf_pkt
: MuxStream
- bsfc
: FFStream
- bsfs
, BSFListContext
, FFCodec
, TeeSlave
- bsid
: DVBAC3Descriptor
, eac3_info
- bsid_flag
: DVBAC3Descriptor
- bsize
: DCTdnoizContext
- bsize_analysis
: OpusPsyContext
- bsmod
: eac3_info
- bswap16_buf
: BswapDSPContext
- bswap_buf
: BswapDSPContext
- bswapbuf
: MotionPixelsContext
- bswapbuf_size
: MotionPixelsContext
- bt_model
: BlockTypeContext
- bth
: DeblockContext
, VVCAllowedSplit
- bthresh
: BlackFrameContext
- btv
: VVCAllowedSplit
- btype
: MSS3Context
- bucket
: ePICPixHash
- bucket_fill
: ePICPixHash
- bucket_size
: ePICPixHash
- buf
: ANoiseSrcContext
, APEPredictor64
, APEPredictor
, AVAudioFifo
, AVFrame
, AVFrameSideData
, AVPacket
, AVProbeData
, CellAutoContext
, CeltBlock
, DNXHDContext
, DSDContext
, DVDecContext
, DVDSubContext
, DVEncContext
, DVPacket
, DWTPlane
, EbmlBin
, EXRContext
, FFTextReader
, FFVkBuffer
, FFVkExecContext
, FFVulkanDescriptorSetData
, FrameListData
, FsyncContext
, GIFContext
, GradFunContext
, HarfbuzzData
, ID3v2ExtraMetaAPIC
, IdcinContext
, IPMVEContext
, IVIBandDesc
, Jpeg2000EncoderContext
, JPEGLSContext
, JPGContext
, LifeContext
, LoudNormContext
, MagicYUVContext
, MatroskaTrackAudio
, ModPlugContext
, Msvideo1Context
, NellyMoserEncodeContext
, ogg_stream
, OpusRangeCoder
, PayloadContext
, PNGEncContext
, PutBitContext
, RTPMuxContext
, RTPPacket
, SliceArgs
, SubBand
, ThreadData
, thumb_frame
, TiffEncoderContext
, TrueMotion1Context
, V4L2Buffer
, VibratoContext
, VmdVideoContext
, XanContext
, XPMContext
- buf0
: ChContext
- buf1
: Atrac3pIPQFChannelCtx
, ChContext
, Escape130Context
- buf2
: Atrac3pIPQFChannelCtx
, Escape130Context
- buf_base
: DWTPlane
- buf_bit_size
: WmallDecodeCtx
, WMAProDecodeCtx
- buf_content
: descriptor_props
, FFVulkanDescriptorSetBinding
- buf_deps
: FFVkExecContext
- buf_deps_alloc_size
: FFVkExecContext
- buf_elems
: FFVulkanDescriptorSetBinding
- buf_end
: AVIOContext
, CodecParserContext
, HTTPContext
, Jpeg2000EncoderContext
, PutBitContext
- buf_idx
: LifeContext
, OverlapIndex
, ShowWavesContext
- buf_idy
: ShowWavesContext
- buf_index
: LoudNormContext
, VibratoContext
- buf_info
: MediaCodecAsyncOutput
- buf_invalid
: IVI45DecContext
- buf_len
: FFTextReader
, video_data
- buf_offs
: IVIMbInfo
- buf_offset
: DVwork_chunk
- buf_org
: XPSNRContext
- buf_org_m1
: XPSNRContext
- buf_org_m2
: XPSNRContext
- buf_pb
: FFTextReader
- buf_pkt
: V4L2m2mContext
- buf_pool
: FFVulkanDecodeShared
, FFVulkanEncodeContext
- buf_pos
: FFTextReader
, PayloadContext
- buf_prev_row_idx
: CellAutoContext
- buf_ptr
: AVIOContext
, CodecParserContext
, HTTPContext
, PutBitContext
, RTPMuxContext
- buf_ptr_max
: AVIOContext
- buf_rec
: XPSNRContext
- buf_ref
: H2645SEIA53Caption
, H2645SEIUnregistered
- buf_regions
: VulkanEncodeFFv1Context
- buf_row_idx
: CellAutoContext
- buf_sel
: Indeo3DecodeContext
- buf_size
: AdaptiveModel
, AVProbeData
, CompensationDelayContext
, DNXHDContext
, DVBSubRegion
, DVDSubContext
, EXRContext
, GIFContext
, IPMVEContext
, LoudNormContext
, MJpegDecodeContext
, MPCContext
, PayloadContext
, SANMVideoContext
, ShowSpatialContext
, ShowSpectrumContext
, TiffEncoderContext
, VibratoContext
, XPMContext
- buf_size_us
: SyncQueue
- buf_start
: Jpeg2000EncoderContext
, TiffEncoderContext
, video_data
- buf_switch
: IVI45DecContext
- buf_timecode
: MatroskaTrackAudio
- buf_type
: video_data
- buf_x_offset
: SubBand
- buf_y_offset
: SubBand
- buffer
: AACEncContext
, AFFTFiltContext
, APERangecoder
, ASubBoostContext
, ATContext
, ATempoContext
, AudioDeclickContext
, AudioFIRSegment
, AudioLimiterContext
, AVBufferRef
, AverageBlurContext
, AVFifo
, AVIOContext
, AVSHA512
, BufferPoolEntry
, CCaptionSubContext
, ChannelParams
, ColorChannelMixerContext
, CueContext
, DBEContext
, DBlurContext
, DCAContext
, DiracParseContext
, DVDNavParseContext
, DWTContext
, DynBuffer
, FFBufferRef
, FifoBuffer
, FilterSignal
, FMVCContext
, GBlurContext
, gdigrab
, GetBitContext
, GetByteContext
, HaasContext
, HelperObjects
, HTTPContext
, IEC61937Context
, LAMEContext
, LATMContext
, LibJxlEncodeContext
, LSCRContext
, MJpegDecodeContext
, MovTextContext
, MXGContext
, OSSAudioData
, ParseContext
, PayloadContext
, PESContext
, PlaneContext
, PNGDecContext
, PullupField
, PullupFrame
, PutByteContext
, QDMCContext
, QpegContext
, SHINEContext
, SliceContext
, SndioData
, SpectrumSynthContext
, SRTContext
, StereoToolsContext
, StereoWidenContext
, TM2Context
, TSContext
, TTMLContext
, UtvideoContext
, VC2TransformContext
, VPXRangeCoder
, WebVTTContext
, YLCContext
- buffer1
: Hnm4VideoContext
, XanContext
- buffer1_size
: XanContext
- buffer2
: ChannelParams
, Hnm4VideoContext
, XanContext
- buffer2_size
: XanContext
- buffer_a
: RA144Context
- buffer_aggressivity
: RateControlContext
- buffer_changed
: CCaptionSubContext
- buffer_delay_length_minus_1
: AV1RawDecoderModelInfo
- buffer_duration
: PulseData
- buffer_end
, GetBitContext
, GetByteContext
, PutByteContext
: FFAMediaCodecJni
- buffer_flag_codec_config_id
: JNIAMediaCodecFields
: FFAMediaCodecJni
- buffer_flag_end_of_stream_id
: JNIAMediaCodecFields
: FFAMediaCodecJni
- buffer_flag_key_frame_id
: JNIAMediaCodecFields
- buffer_frame
: AVCodecInternal
- buffer_fullness
: VC1Context
- buffer_index
: CCaptionSubContext
, LAMEContext
, RateControlContext
, SHINEContext
, StreamInfo
- buffer_info
: FFAMediaCodecJni
- buffer_length
: AudioFFTDeNoiseContext
, ChannelParams
, HeadphoneContext
, SOFAlizerContext
- buffer_linesize
: PlaneContext
- buffer_lock
: ATContext
- buffer_mutex
: FrameThreadContext
- buffer_offset
: QDMCContext
, SndioData
- buffer_pkt
: AV1FSplitContext
, AVCodecInternal
, EVCFMergeContext
, FFBSFContext
, PGSMergeContext
, QSVDecContext
, VP9SFSplitContext
- buffer_pools
: MpegEncContext
- buffer_ptr
: MXGContext
, OSSAudioData
, QDMCContext
- buffer_removal_time
: AV1RawFrameHeader
- buffer_removal_time_length_minus_1
: AV1RawDecoderModelInfo
- buffer_removal_time_present_flag
: AV1RawFrameHeader
- buffer_samples
: ASubBoostContext
- buffer_size
: AudioLimiterContext
, AVCPBProperties
, AVIOContext
, DCAContext
, DiracParseContext
, FMVCContext
, HaasContext
, IEC61937Context
, JackData
, LAMEContext
, LibJxlEncodeContext
, LibRTMPContext
, LSCRContext
, MJpegDecodeContext
, mpeg4_bit_rate_values
, MXGContext
, PAFDemuxContext
, ParseContext
, PNGDecContext
, PulseData
, RISTContext
, RTPContext
, RTSPState
, SndioData
, TM2Context
, UDPContext
, WavPackEncodeContext
, XanContext
, YLCContext
- buffer_size_exponent
: VC1Context
- buffer_start
: GetByteContext
, PutByteContext
- buffer_stride
: DiracContext
- buffer_texture
: DdagrabContext
- buffer_time
: CCaptionSubContext
- buffered_nals
: RTPMuxContext
- buffered_pkt
: MediaCodecH264DecContext
- buffered_samples
: ROQDPCMContext
- buffered_size
: SBCParseContext
- buffered_steps
: OpusPsyContext
- bufferh
: SliceContext
- buffering_period
: H264SEIContext
- buffers
: JoinContext
, Plane
, PullupContext
, V4L2Context
, video_data
- buffers_queued
: video_data
- buffersink_ctx
: FilteringContext
- buffersrc_ctx
: FilteringContext
- buffert
: SliceContext
- bufferv
: SliceContext
- bufferz
: SliceContext
- bufpos
: ogg_stream
- bufqueue
: OpusEncContext
, OpusPsyContext
, vorbis_enc_context
- bufs
: IVIBandDesc
- bufsize
: IVIBandDesc
, LZWEncodeState
, ogg_stream
- buggy_avid
: MJpegDecodeContext
- buggy_lpc
: FLACContext
- build_filter_params
- bump_code
- bundle
: BinkContext
, JXLEntropyDecoder
- bundled_audio
: PayloadContext
- burst
: AudioDeclickContext
- burst_amplitude
: MPEG2RawPictureCodingExtension
- burst_bits
: UDPContext
- butter_coeff_a
: ReplayGainContext
- butter_coeff_b
: ReplayGainContext
- butter_hist_a
: ReplayGainContext
- butter_hist_b
: ReplayGainContext
- butter_hist_i
: ReplayGainContext
- butterflies_fixed
: AVFixedDSPContext
- butterflies_float
: AVFloatDSPContext
, MPADecodeContext
- bv
: ChromaShiftContext
- bV3RTM
: WmallDecodeCtx
- bvid
: ArgoBRPStreamHeader
- bw
: ZmbvContext
- bw_array
: SBRData
- bw_code
: DBEChannel
- bx
: ZmbvContext
- by
: ColorContrastContext
, ZmbvContext
- bypass
: ASuperCutContext
, BiquadsContext
, ChannelContext
, DeflickerContext
, PhotosensitivityContext
, ShowFreqsContext
- bypassed_lsbs
: MatrixParams
, MLPDecodeContext
- bypp
: ZmbvEncContext
- byte
: DSDfilters
, ScanItem
, word_byte
- byte_buffer
: AVCodecInternal
- byte_buffer_size
: AVCodecInternal
- byte_offset
: VIV_SB_block
- byte_offset_bits
: WMACodecContext
- byte_rate
: ArgoBRPFileHeader
, ArgoBRPStreamHeader
- byterange
: init_section_info
- bytes
: DiracContext
, DiracSlice
, EaDemuxContext
, RawBitsContext
, ScrollContext
, SliceArgs
- bytes_left
: DXAContext
, MLPParseContext
- bytes_left_in_chunk
: ACTContext
- bytes_of_clear_data
: AVSubsampleEncryptionInfo
- bytes_of_protected_data
: AVSubsampleEncryptionInfo
- bytes_per_frame
: MOVStreamContext
, PayloadContext
- bytes_per_framesize_minus_1
: VP9RawSuperframeIndex
- bytes_per_packet
: CafContext
- bytes_per_pixel
: FBDevContext
- bytes_per_sec
: AudioParams
- bytes_read
: AVIOContext
, FFIOContext
, JPEG2000ParserContext
, PPBnkCtxTrack
, RTMPContext
, SCDTrackHeader
- bytes_to_iframe
: StreamInfo
- bytes_to_skip
: VC1ParseContext
- bytes_written
: AVIOContext
, FFIOContext
- bytesperline
: V4L2Buffer::V4L2Plane_info
- bytesperpixel
: VP9Context
- bytestream
: CABACContext
, DiracArith
, lag_rac
, PNGEncContext
, PNMContext
, RangeCoder
- bytestream_end
: CABACContext
, DiracArith
, lag_rac
, PNGEncContext
, PNMContext
, RangeCoder
- bytestream_start
: CABACContext
, lag_rac
, PNGEncContext
, PNMContext
, RangeCoder
- bytewidth
: NoiseContext
- BYule
: ReplayGainFreqInfo
- byw
: ColorContrastContext
- bzero
: FITSHeader