Data Fields
HEVCContext Struct Reference

#include <hevcdec.h>

Data Fields

const AVClassc
unsigned nb_local_ctx
uint8_t slice_initialized
 1 if the independent slice segment header was successfully parsed More...
uint8_t * sao_pixel_buffer_h [3]
uint8_t * sao_pixel_buffer_v [3]
HEVCParamSets ps
struct AVMD5md5_ctx
struct FFRefStructPooltab_mvf_pool
struct FFRefStructPoolrpl_tab_pool
 candidate references for the current frame More...
RefPicList rps [5]
const HEVCPPSpps
 RefStruct reference. More...
SliceHeader sh
enum HEVCNALUnitType nal_unit_type
int temporal_id
 temporal_id_plus1 - 1 More...
HEVCFrame DPB [32]
int poc
int poc_tid0
int slice_idx
 number of the slice being currently decoded More...
int eos
 current packet contains an EOS/EOB NAL More...
int last_eos
 last packet contains an EOS/EOB NAL More...
int bs_width
int bs_height
int no_rasl_output_flag
HEVCPredContext hpc
HEVCDSPContext hevcdsp
VideoDSPContext vdsp
BswapDSPContext bdsp
H274FilmGrainDatabase h274db
int8_t * qp_y_tab
uint8_t * horizontal_bs
uint8_t * vertical_bs
uint8_t * skip_flag
uint8_t * tab_ct_depth
uint8_t * tab_ipm
uint8_t * cbf_luma
uint8_t * is_pcm
uint8_t * filter_slice_edges
uint8_t * checksum_buf
 used on BE to byteswap the lines for checksumming More...
int checksum_buf_size
uint16_t seq_decode
 Sequence counters for decoded and output frames, so that old frames are output first after a POC reset. More...
uint16_t seq_output
HEVCCABACState cabac
 The target for the common_cabac_state of the local contexts. More...
atomic_int wpp_err
const uint8_t * data
H2645Packet pkt
enum HEVCNALUnitType first_nal_type
int is_nalff
 this flag is != 0 if bitstream is encapsulated as a format defined in 14496-15 More...
int apply_defdispwin
int nal_length_size
 Number of bytes used for nal length (1, 2 or 4) More...
int nuh_layer_id
int film_grain_warning_shown
 0 or 1 Dolby Vision RPUs. More...
DOVIContext dovi_ctx
 Dolby Vision decoding context. More...

Detailed Description

Definition at line 450 of file hevcdec.h.

Field Documentation

◆ c

const AVClass* HEVCContext::c

Definition at line 451 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ avctx

AVCodecContext* HEVCContext::avctx

Definition at line 452 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ local_ctx

HEVCLocalContext* HEVCContext::local_ctx

Definition at line 454 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ nb_local_ctx

unsigned HEVCContext::nb_local_ctx

Definition at line 455 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ slice_initialized

uint8_t HEVCContext::slice_initialized

1 if the independent slice segment header was successfully parsed

Definition at line 458 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ output_frame

AVFrame* HEVCContext::output_frame

Definition at line 460 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ sao_pixel_buffer_h

uint8_t* HEVCContext::sao_pixel_buffer_h[3]

Definition at line 461 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ sao_pixel_buffer_v

uint8_t* HEVCContext::sao_pixel_buffer_v[3]

Definition at line 462 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ ps

HEVCParamSets HEVCContext::ps

Definition at line 464 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ sei

HEVCSEI HEVCContext::sei

Definition at line 465 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ md5_ctx

struct AVMD5* HEVCContext::md5_ctx

Definition at line 466 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ tab_mvf_pool

struct FFRefStructPool* HEVCContext::tab_mvf_pool

Definition at line 468 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ rpl_tab_pool

struct FFRefStructPool* HEVCContext::rpl_tab_pool

candidate references for the current frame

Definition at line 469 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ rps

RefPicList HEVCContext::rps[5]

Definition at line 472 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ pps

const HEVCPPS* HEVCContext::pps

RefStruct reference.

Definition at line 474 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ sh

SliceHeader HEVCContext::sh

Definition at line 475 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ sao

SAOParams* HEVCContext::sao

Definition at line 476 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ deblock

DBParams* HEVCContext::deblock

Definition at line 477 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ nal_unit_type

enum HEVCNALUnitType HEVCContext::nal_unit_type

Definition at line 478 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ temporal_id

int HEVCContext::temporal_id

temporal_id_plus1 - 1

Definition at line 479 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ cur_frame

HEVCFrame* HEVCContext::cur_frame

Definition at line 480 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ collocated_ref

HEVCFrame* HEVCContext::collocated_ref

Definition at line 481 of file hevcdec.h.


HEVCFrame HEVCContext::DPB[32]

Definition at line 482 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ poc

int HEVCContext::poc

Definition at line 483 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ poc_tid0

int HEVCContext::poc_tid0

Definition at line 484 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ slice_idx

int HEVCContext::slice_idx

number of the slice being currently decoded

Definition at line 485 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ eos

int HEVCContext::eos

current packet contains an EOS/EOB NAL

Definition at line 486 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ last_eos

int HEVCContext::last_eos

last packet contains an EOS/EOB NAL

Definition at line 487 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ bs_width

int HEVCContext::bs_width

Definition at line 488 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ bs_height

int HEVCContext::bs_height

Definition at line 489 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ no_rasl_output_flag

int HEVCContext::no_rasl_output_flag

Definition at line 492 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ hpc

HEVCPredContext HEVCContext::hpc

Definition at line 494 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ hevcdsp

HEVCDSPContext HEVCContext::hevcdsp

Definition at line 495 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ vdsp

VideoDSPContext HEVCContext::vdsp

Definition at line 496 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ bdsp

BswapDSPContext HEVCContext::bdsp

Definition at line 497 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ h274db

H274FilmGrainDatabase HEVCContext::h274db

Definition at line 498 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ qp_y_tab

int8_t* HEVCContext::qp_y_tab

Definition at line 499 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ horizontal_bs

uint8_t* HEVCContext::horizontal_bs

Definition at line 500 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ vertical_bs

uint8_t* HEVCContext::vertical_bs

Definition at line 501 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ tab_slice_address

int32_t* HEVCContext::tab_slice_address

Definition at line 503 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ skip_flag

uint8_t* HEVCContext::skip_flag

Definition at line 506 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ tab_ct_depth

uint8_t* HEVCContext::tab_ct_depth

Definition at line 507 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ tab_ipm

uint8_t* HEVCContext::tab_ipm

Definition at line 509 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ cbf_luma

uint8_t* HEVCContext::cbf_luma

Definition at line 511 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ is_pcm

uint8_t* HEVCContext::is_pcm

Definition at line 512 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ filter_slice_edges

uint8_t* HEVCContext::filter_slice_edges

Definition at line 515 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ checksum_buf

uint8_t* HEVCContext::checksum_buf

used on BE to byteswap the lines for checksumming

Definition at line 518 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ checksum_buf_size

int HEVCContext::checksum_buf_size

Definition at line 519 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ seq_decode

uint16_t HEVCContext::seq_decode

Sequence counters for decoded and output frames, so that old frames are output first after a POC reset.

Definition at line 525 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ seq_output

uint16_t HEVCContext::seq_output

Definition at line 526 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ cabac

HEVCCABACState HEVCContext::cabac

The target for the common_cabac_state of the local contexts.

Definition at line 529 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ wpp_err

atomic_int HEVCContext::wpp_err

Definition at line 531 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ data

const uint8_t* HEVCContext::data

Definition at line 533 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ pkt

H2645Packet HEVCContext::pkt

Definition at line 535 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ first_nal_type

enum HEVCNALUnitType HEVCContext::first_nal_type

Definition at line 537 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ is_nalff

int HEVCContext::is_nalff

this flag is != 0 if bitstream is encapsulated as a format defined in 14496-15

Definition at line 539 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ apply_defdispwin

int HEVCContext::apply_defdispwin

Definition at line 541 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ nal_length_size

int HEVCContext::nal_length_size

Number of bytes used for nal length (1, 2 or 4)

Definition at line 543 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ nuh_layer_id

int HEVCContext::nuh_layer_id

Definition at line 544 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ film_grain_warning_shown

int HEVCContext::film_grain_warning_shown

Definition at line 546 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ rpu_buf

AVBufferRef* HEVCContext::rpu_buf

0 or 1 Dolby Vision RPUs.

Definition at line 548 of file hevcdec.h.

◆ dovi_ctx

DOVIContext HEVCContext::dovi_ctx

Dolby Vision decoding context.

Definition at line 549 of file hevcdec.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: